Monday, December 14, 2015
Another Knitted Christmas Tree Ornament Tutorial (sort of)
A while back, I felted a Fair Isle sweater to make a sweater pumpkin decoration. I loved the pattern on this sweater and had a lot of material left. So I couldn't wait to use the same felted sweater to make some Christmas tree decorations.
The process for felting a sweater is quite easy and the materials to make these Christmas ornaments are quite basic. All you need is an old ( or new) wool sweater, some coordinating fabric for backing your ornament, and some embellishments. I have all the directions on my Hubpages!
I really love this little Christmas tree ornament! The knitted Fair Isle pattern looks great on my little tree. Check out the full tutorial!
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
2015 Christmas Ornament Exchange and Knitting Patterns
Last night was my knitting group's annual Christmas ornament exchange. This is our fourth year having an ornament exchange and the rules are pretty simple. Everyone who wants to participate brings a handmade ornament. The ornament does not need to be knitted or crocheted, but it must be handmade by the group member.
I didn't have any great ideas for my ornament until I came across this super cute knitted mouse fairy (free!) pattern from Alan Dart. I knew this pattern would be perfect for the ornament exchange. The pattern is pretty quick and easy. The finicky part is attaching the ears, wings and legs. The main change I made was making a snowflake wand for my mouse. I just used an eye pin and glued a small plastic snowflake to the top. I'm really happy with how it came out.
Once I decided on my furry fairy, I came across even more wonderful knitting patterns for Christmas ornaments. Here are some of my other favorites (not all free):
Holiday Stars and Ball Ornaments from Redheart (free)
These colorful Balls Up! by General Hogbuffer (free)
This cute Basket of Yarn pattern from RedHeart (free)
This Pretty Pink Ewe by Susan McClaskey - this pattern has a fee, but is a fundraiser for breast cancer awareness. A great way to give back during this holiday season!
And these tiny wooden animals and the sweater patterns to dress them from Susan B. Anderson - the sweater patterns are free, but the wooden animals are for sale through the Juniper Moon etsy shop as a fundraiser for Heifer International. These guys are so cute, and such a great fundraiser.
I hope these patterns give you some great ideas for your holiday decorating and gift giving!
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Free Knitting Pattern: Tree Skirt (or Doily) for Table-Top Christmas Tree
My latest free knitting pattern is a round doily designed as a tree skirt for miniature or table-top Christmas Tree. This skirt or doily features bands of different stitch patterns and can be adjusted in size depending on your needs.
Although designed as a Christmas tree skirt, you could also use this pattern to knit a round doily to put under a plant, decorative bowl, or lamp. I chose not make my tree skirt very Christmas-y because I wanted to use it under other things during the rest of the year. However, if you'd like to add more holiday cheer to your doily or skirt, there are a few ways to accomplish this by using novelty yarn with shiny tinsel woven in it, or yarn doted with sequin. Or you can knit each band of the pattern in a different color of yarn, alternating between white, green, and red.
You can find this free pattern on my Hubpages!
Friday, October 23, 2015
How to Felt a Sweater: A Fall Tutorial
I've always been a little hesitant to felt any of my knitting. But a friend gave me this old fair isle sweater, which I loved, but didn't fit. And I just couldn't donate it to Goodwill.
So instead, I felted the sweater in my washing machine and made this charming stuffed pumpkin! Aren't the colors just perfect for fall decorating? You can find the full directions for felting and making this pumpkin on my Hubpages.
I love how this pumpkin fits in with my other fall decorating. To find out more about my fall fireplace display, check out my craft blog.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Knitting: The Best Items to Knit and Sell at a Craft Show or Fair
Ever thought about selling your knitted goods at a craft fair, but don't know what to make or what might sell? I've just posted an article on my Hubpages with a list of knitted items that are strong sellers at craft shows, along with some things to keep in mind when selling your knitted goods.
This article includes the hot trends at craft shows right now, along with some sample free patterns for each of the items on the list. I hope this article inspires you to consider selling your knitting! Check out the full list here.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
{Pet Peeve} Knitting Patterns with Dark Photos
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"Sleet" by Marie Wallin from |
Excuse me for going off on a bit of a rant here, but I can't stand it when knitting patterns have dark photos. To my mind, the photos are posted and included to encourage you to buy/knit the pattern, but how can you decide if you want to knit something that you really can't see?
Rowan (see above) is kind of notorious for this. If the photo isn't almost pitch black, than the model is posed in some way that completely obscures the knitted item that they are trying to sell to you.
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"Cabled Batwing Cardigan" by Debbie Bliss from |
Wouldn't it make more sense to knit the sample in a brighter or lighter color, then photograph it in a way that highlights the beauty and specialness of this pattern?
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"Frances" by Debbie Bliss from |
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Upcoming Knitting ~ To Keep Myself Inspired and Organized
October 1st will soon be upon us and this time of the year always makes me a little anxious. For knitters, this begins the final stretch for any and all projects we want to get done before the end of the year. For me, this is a self-imposed deadline. I'm not knitting any holiday gifts this year (well, maybe - see Christmas stockings below), but I still have knitting projects I'd like to finish by the end of the year.
So, I'm posting my knitting list here to keep myself engaged, inspired, and on schedule :)
1. First up - My Sport Weight Lace Scarf: I blogged about my search for a lace scarf pattern months ago. In the end, I didn't choose any that I mentioned and instead I'm knitting the Three Sisters Scarves #2 by Monica Steinbauer. I love the mix of chevron with lace, particularly in this teal yarn (see above - not finished and unblocked). This should look great with my fall jacket, thus creating project #2 on my list:
2. I'm going to try to create some matching fingerless mitts to go with this scarf. Stay tuned for the pattern in the coming months (but probably not before December).
3. I need/want to make a doily to go under my ceramic Christmas tree that I put out during the holidays. I'm going to use Madeline Nelson's Pi Washcloth pattern as a starting point for my knit doily. This should be a quick knit (I hope). I don't need anything fancy for my doily and I'm just going to use some leftover white acrylic yarn to knit it. I might add some beads or buttons around the edge when I'm done.
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Standing Stones Cowl by Andee Fagan |
4. I have 2 1/2 skeins of Berroco Vintage leftover from knitting my Vale cardigan. As I mentioned before, I'm considering making the Standing Stones Cowl by Andee Fagan to wear as more of a poncho. But honestly, I'm not sure how much use I'd get out of a poncho, so I like the flexibility to wear this as a cowl too. I really love the lace pattern in this design.
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Tis The Season Stocking by Katie Weston |
5. Last year when we were at my parents for Christmas, my mother mentioned wanting some knit stockings to display during the holidays. I'm hoping she's forgotten about this, or changed her mind, but I've also searched out some free stocking patterns on Ravelry. I love the Tis The Season Stocking by Katie Weston and I can use some stash dk to knit it. I'd make two stockings for my parents (each different) and I think Katie Weston's pattern will look great matched with this Drops Design stocking.
6. Lastly, I never finished this striped short-sleeve top I started last spring (ugh). I still don't love it, so I either need to to finish it in a way I like, or take it apart and knit something else. Right now, I'm waiting for some inspiration and direction to hit.
I plan to post about some of these projects, so you can watch my progress!
Sunday, September 13, 2015
When Not to Knit a Sweater
If you read this blog at all, you know I love knitting sweaters as much as the next knitter. But sometimes you can find a fabulous sweater all pre-made and perfect just waiting for you at the store! This lightweight cardigan illustrates one of the points I made in my blog post about picking sweater patterns: If you can buy it in a store, and you love it, why bother knitting it yourself?
I found this beige cardigan at Ross last week for $17. It's a lightweight cotton that I find perfect for in between seasons. It has this beautiful lace back that is right on trend right now, and is a perfect fit for me (though I could take a better photo of the back). I love it!
So let's be honest: I probably couldn't buy the yarn to knit this sweater for $17. And it would certainly take more than $17 worth of my time to knit. So the purchase of this cute cardigan was a great buy for me. Check out more hints on choosing the perfect sweater pattern here.
Oh, and if you like my new Matryoshka doll necklace, check out my tutorial to make your own on my Hubpages!
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Vale Cardigan Sweater Update 4: Final Reveal & Last Thoughts
I finished my Vale Cardigan for the Very Shannon Summer Sweater Knit-a-long (#sskal15) with a few weeks to spare (hurrah!) Though it's taken me a bit of time to get used to how this sweater looks on me, I do like it very much.
The cabling on this sweater is what I first fell in love with, and it is truly beautiful. I particularly love how the cable design falls on the sleeves. And the moss stitch creates a sturdy fabric that should be quite warm this winter.
I've posted my notes on my mods, knitting the back and front pieces, and the sleeves already, so I only have a few more comments:
1. It took me a while to get used to the draping front pieces on this cardigan. I think it might be a bit too much on me and makes my hips and chest wider. I wonder if deleting 10 to 15 stitches from each of the front pieces would make the front not hang as much. I know this would also make the lapels narrower. It's an interesting idea for modification, but I have no plans to re-knit this sweater.
2. I do love my choice to knit this cardigan in Berroco Vintage. I've knit with Vintage before and it seemed a slight bit scratchy. However, this batch/color is rather snuggly and doesn't seem to have that itch quotient. And I really love this Dungaree color. It's the perfect medium blue to go with so many things in my closet.
And it's a good thing I like the color - I have about 550 yards left after knitting my Vale Cardigan. I'm thinking about knitting the Standing Stones Cowl by Andee Fagan with the remainder.
I been thinking about knitting a poncho and I love how this design can be worn as a cowl or poncho.
Looking forward to cooler temperatures and wearing my new Vale Cardigan :)
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
{FREE} Knitting Articles, Tutorials, & Advice
I've pulled together some of my favorite knitting articles, information, and tutorials and posted links to all of them on my Hubpages. Check out all these knitting goodies and visit often as I add more resources and links!!
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Sweater Update 3: Vale Cardigan Sleeves - Count Your Stitches & Check Your Math
So I've finished both sleeves for my Vale Cardigan. Usually I don't have much to say about knitting sleeves - they are what they are. But this time, I have a few notes to share:
1. After going back and forth on making the sleeves longer or not, I decided to knit them as written in the pattern. I just decided to trust Norah Gaughan's brilliance and style, and go with what she had designed. This worked out great. On me, the sleeves uncuffed are almost full length. And when I fold up the cuff, the sleeves are the perfect 3/4 length. I think this will work beautifully. The sleeves, are however, a bit snug. I blocked them to the proper size and I hope with wear, they might loosen up some.
One of the reasons why I decided to knit the sleeves as written is I really loved the way the cables laid out on the model shot, with the full loop hitting in the middle of the upper arm. I definitely wanted my sleeves to look the same and decided not to mess with the pattern. I think the cable design is something to think about before you change the length of the sleeves.
2. Just an FYI - I found some mistakes with the sleeve directions. I made the second smallest size and found the errors there. I didn't check to see if the errors affected other sizes too.
For my size, you cast on 42 stitches. The directions say that after doing the ribbing and the increases to create the cable panel, you should 6 stitches left. This isn't true - you have 12 stitches left, which centers the cable pattern on the sleeves as it should be.
Second issue: The next direction starts the set up row. You're told to purl 13 sts before starting the cable pattern, but you only have 12 sts to work with. This is obviously a mistake, but you need an odd number of sts for the moss design. I remedied this by doing a quick increase on this row before hitting the cable panel. I did a knit front and back while working a knit stitch in the moss pattern. My increased stitch then became the purl stitch I needed, and I just continued working in pattern. I did this on both sides of the cable panel to make the 52 sts I needed.
3. I thought about knitting my sleeves in the round. I didn't do it, but I think you can. I would suggest casting on two more stitches than the pattern calls for, to keep your k2, p2 ribbing in pattern, then do 1 less increase along the length of your sleeve.
So, I've completed the knitting on this sweater and have seamed the pieces. Finished shots of the full sweater to be posted soon, along with my final thoughts and comments!
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Sweater Project Update 2: Vale Cardigan Back Section & Fronts
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And because I'm a nice person (sort of), I thought I'd put all my notes for knitting the back and front pieces in one post in case they help someone else :) So here we go:
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the back of my Vale sweater |
1. As I said in my previous post, this sweater can look a little different depending on the size you make. The smaller sizes have only three columns of cables across the back, instead of the four shown in the model shot. I really like the sample sweater, so this was a little disappointing, but I understand that this would change depending on the size of the garment.
2. Be sure to knit your swatch in moss stitch, not Stst. I had knit my back piece up pass the underarms when I measured and realized it was going to be a bit small. When I looked back at the directions, I had realized my swatch was off, which threw off my sizing.
To give myself a little more room in the hips, I cast on again with a #9 needle, and changed to #8 on row 4 of the cable chart. I knit most of the chart with the size #8, then to tighten up the chest and shoulders, I changed to a #7 about an inch before starting my underarm decreases.
3. I've lengthened this cardigan a bit too, which I hope I like in the end. I've added about 1 1/2 inches to the length by starting my underarm shaping at 13 inches instead of at 11 1/2 inches.
4. I think the beginning of the charts for both the back and the fronts is a little confusing. When starting the cable charts (for both the back and front pieces), you need to use Row 1 of the charts TWICE as your set up row (once as the right side, then once as the wrong side). This will make sense when you knit the pattern. By using Row 1 twice, it sets you up to do the rest of the charts with the even rows being the right side of your work.
5. This is a picky thing that might only bother me - but try to pay attention to the cable chart when it comes time to bind off for the shoulder shaping. I didn't want to end the cable chart and bind off in a weird place where I was halfway through a pointy arrow or something in the design. I thought this might would look even weirder when I seamed my front and back pieces together. So when I was a few inches from binding off, I looked at the pattern and chose a point just after doing a cable cross on one of the arrow designs to begin my binding off. This way, at the shoulders, I'll have two points coming together.
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my Vale progress - overlapping the pieces as if they were seamed |
I followed my notes from above for the front pieces too, so the cable pattern and my decreases would match up. I only have a few additional notes:
1. I think there's a mistake on the directions for the decreases on the side seams of the two front pieces. The directions say you should start the decreases on Row 20 for the back portion. But the directions for each front piece say you should start the decrease FOR THE SIDE SEAMS on Row 2. I chose to ignore this and did my side decreases on the same rows as my back decreases so they match up.
2. Because I lengthen my cardigan by an 1 1/2 inches, I had to adjust where I started shaping the front lapels too. I honestly don't remember how I figured this out, but I shifted them up about an 1 and 1/2 inches.
3. This is another weird thing that happens depending on the size you make: after doing your shoulder shaping for the front pieces, the directions say to "work straight" to create the neck band. I think in the larger sizes, this will have you knitting moss stitch for 13 sts and then garter stitch to maintain the neck edging, which is fine and looks good. However, in my smaller size, this would have me continuing only half of my cable, moss stitch for a few sts, then continuing my garter edge (see the tippy top of my photo above at the shoulder bind off). This would look very strange as it wraps around the back of my neck.
So for the smaller sizes, this leaves you with two choices: after finishing your shoulder shaping, you can purl the next 9 sts (which would continue the background of the cable column) then do your few moss sts and then maintain the garter edge. Or you can switch to moss st for all 13 sts and then do garter st for your edge. I think either choice is fine. You just need to decide and stick with it for both front pieces.
I went with switching to moss st for all 13 sts. After looking at the pattern photos, where they continued the moss st from the front, and other finished projects on Ravelry, this seemed like a good choice. I thought purl, then moss, then garter might be a bit busy for the neck band when seen from the back. But honestly, most people would never notice this detail.
And an update on my buttons decision: After going back and forth on adding buttons to the upper part of the front pieces, I decided against it. For my size, it just won't work. To make my decision, I laid out my sweater pieces as if they were seamed (I did this just before I started my underarm decreases on my right piece) to see where I might place my buttons. As you can see in the photo, I'd have to place my buttons in the middle of my column of cables to have it match up with the right hand edge. So that's out. I'm secretly happy. I didn't really want to figure out how to add buttons in just the right place so that they looked like they belonged there.
So now I begin my sleeves - 3/4 length or long sleeves? I can't decide. But I'll let you know :)
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Free Knitting Patterns: All in One Place
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I'll be adding more patterns as I have them. Please check out this free pattern page, pin it, and share it with your friends!
Monday, July 27, 2015
{Favorites}: Top Sweater Knitting Patterns for Fall
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River Pullover by Cecily Glowik MacDonald |
loveknitting just added a fun post to their blog on the Top 5 Sweater Knitting Patterns for Fall! It's 88 degrees here today, so on the one hand, I kinda enjoy the thought of Fall and cooler temperatures. However, just looking at long sleeves and thick knits makes me sweat right now. Ugh.
All that aside, I really do love the patterns they've chosen. I'm pretty thorough in checking out patterns as they're added to Ravelry everyday. I must admit, however, some of these skipped my radar and I'm glad to catch them again. I'm adding them all to my knitting queue now :)
Two of my top favorites: The River Pullover (above) by Cecily Glowik MacDonald and Peace and Love Sweater (below) by Anna Ravenscroft. Do you have any favorites?
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Peace and Love Sweater by Anna Ravenscroft |
Monday, July 13, 2015
Sweater Project Update 1: Knitting the Vale Cardigan by Norah Gaughan
So the progress on my Vale Cardigan has been extremely s-l-o-o-o-w. But that's okay. I've completed the back and one front side so far. While knitting this cardigan, I remembered why I try to avoid patterns that have a lot of moss stitch - it's a easy stitch pattern, but requires moving the yarn back and forth with every stitch, which means the project moves rather slowly for me. But I'm not a fast knitter anyway.
But I really love the look of this sweater and trust that this slow moving pattern will be worth it in the end :) So here's what I've learned/realized so far:
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1. Just a head's up if you plan to knit this sweater - If you make one of the smaller sizes, the pattern includes only 3 columns of the cabling design, as opposed to the 4 columns shown in the pattern photo on This is completely understandable in order to change the size of the sweater, but I am a little disappointed to have less design on the back on my size small sweater (see my photos above).
2. The gauge listed in the pattern is for MOSS Stitch, not stockinette stitch. You'll want to avoid making the stupid mistake I did.
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3. Each front side of this cardigan is almost as wide as the back section of this cardigan. This is what creates the swing shape of this sweater, but is also going to create two very wide, loose front pieces. I had thought about adding a few buttons to be able to close this cardigan if I wanted, but now I'm not sure. If I add buttons, I think it's going to look really weird when buttoned, but I'm still thinking about it.
4. There's a few minor mistakes I've found in the pattern so far:
When starting the cable charts for both the back and front pieces, you need to use Row 1 of the charts TWICE as your set up row (once as the right side, then once as the wrong side). This will make sense when you knit the pattern. By using Row 1 twice, it sets you up to do the rest of the charts with the even rows being the right side of your work.
Then I think there's a mistake on the directions for the decreases on the side seams of the two front pieces. The directions say you should start the decreases on Row 20 for the back portion. But the directions for each front piece say you should start the decrease FOR THE SIDE SEAMS on Row 2. I chose to ignore this and did my side decreases on the same rows as my back decreases so they match up.
5. I've also lengthened this cardigan a bit. I've added about 1 1/2 inches to the length by starting my underarm shaping at 13 inches instead of at 11 1/2 inches. I hope this turns out to be a good decision and that I don't run out of yarn because of it.
I'll post more updates as I start the sleeves.
Monday, June 29, 2015 ~ That Endless Free Wealth of Knitting Goodness
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I try to check out every time a new quarterly issue is posted. I think the folks there do an excellent job of putting out a great knitting resource full of wonderful free articles, information, and patterns. But I must admit that most of the time I just give it a quick glance.
Lately however, searching by way of Ravelry, I've happened upon some marvelous Knitty patterns and have had the chance to revisit some old favorites. Now my current and upcoming knitting queue is loaded with patterns from Knitty. Here are some that I've knitted recently or have waiting in my queue:
My version of the Blossoms by the Brook shawl by Ilga Leja. I've already posted about this project. I really love it and I am looking forward to wearing it A LOT when the weather is cooler again.
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Vale by Norah Gaughan |
One of my current knitting projects, Vale by Norah Gaughan. I love the look of this pattern, and can't believe it's available for FREE on I've completed the back section and I am almost done with one side of this cardigan. Will post an update when I have the side complete.
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Fracetured Light Mitts by Kirsten Kapur |
Fractured Light Mitts by Kirsten Kapur (also includes a pattern for a matching hat): I have this pattern in my queue. I was going to knit these mitts with some stash yarn, but I like the pattern so much that I think I will buy something special to knit them with, then find the perfect buttons to go on them! You know how much I love vintage buttons :)
Hidden Gusset Mitts by Mone Dräger |
The Hidden Gusset Mitts by Mone Dräger: My friends have made these mitts, and the pattern is just beautiful. I rarely knit with light fingering weight yarn, but I might just to make these sweet mitts.
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Lace Ribbon Scarf by Veronik Avery |
And, of course, the Lace Ribbon Scarf by Veronik Avery. I've posted about this beauty quite recently. I still love this pattern.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Lace Scarf Patterns: It's Like Déjà vu All Over Again
I know I must have written about searching for lace scarf patterns before. It seems that every summer I'm looking for a lightweight lace pattern to make a pretty accessory to add to my wardrobe.
Well, this year is like all the others. I bought this Caron Simply Soft Light (sport weight) in this pretty peacock color to make a scarf to go with my fall jacket. My new fall jacket is a quilted jacket in olive that I bought on sale for $20. And I love it. I wore it all the time last year. But now I need a scarf to wear with it :)
I think a lightweight scarf will be the perfect solution, and lace scarves are great to knit in summer months - easy to transport and not too hot to handle. Ravelry is, of course, full of wonderful pattern options. Here are my top contenders, in no particular order (they're all free patterns):
First up, the White Diamonds Lace Scarf by Rachel Leverton: I love the geometric design on this scarf and how the ends have a different structure than the body of the scarf. I think this scarf could easily be dressed up, or worn more casually. I'm seriously thinking about this pattern.
Next, the Bear Claw Scarflette by Olga Buray-Kefelian: another beautiful lace design, but might be more dressy than what I'm looking for. I still love this pattern and might knit it another time, in a different, softer color.
Then there's Rivulet by Heather Asbeck: I just found this pattern the other day and I really love it. It might be just what I'm looking for :)
And last but not least, Lace Ribbon Scarf, an old favorite, by Veronik Avery: I knit this scarf pattern a number of years ago as one of my first lace projects. I loved how it came out, but I donated it to the Red Scarf Project, along with some other scarves. I've always loved this pattern, and it might be time to make another one for myself :) I think it would look great with some long fringe on the ends.
So, those are my choices for now, but I haven't made a decision yet. Any thoughts?
Well, this year is like all the others. I bought this Caron Simply Soft Light (sport weight) in this pretty peacock color to make a scarf to go with my fall jacket. My new fall jacket is a quilted jacket in olive that I bought on sale for $20. And I love it. I wore it all the time last year. But now I need a scarf to wear with it :)
I think a lightweight scarf will be the perfect solution, and lace scarves are great to knit in summer months - easy to transport and not too hot to handle. Ravelry is, of course, full of wonderful pattern options. Here are my top contenders, in no particular order (they're all free patterns):
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So, those are my choices for now, but I haven't made a decision yet. Any thoughts?
Thursday, June 4, 2015
{Knitting Book Review} Colorwork Knitting by Sarah E. White
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Colorwork Knitting by Sarah E. White |
I recently had the wonderful opportunity to review Sarah E. White's latest book "Colorwork Knitting". If you read this blog, you know I'm a big fan of color and colorwork in knitting, and so I was excited to see Sarah's new book.
Sarah E. White is the author of three knitting books: "Picture Yourself Felting Your Knitting", "Quick and Easy Baby Knits," and her latest "Colorwork Knitting." In addition, Sarah is the knitting editor at and, both great sites for knitting news and information.
Sarah's latest book is a great source for explanation, instructions, and knitting patterns for a full array of colorwork. The book includes 25 beautiful patterns that use a wide variety of color knitting techniques. Colorwork Knitting is broken down into 5 chapters or sections, each covering a different method of knitting in color. Sarah begins with the easiest: knitting with self-striping yarns, then moves on to more complex techniques like making your own stripes, slip-stitch knitting ( a favorite of mine), stranded knitting, and intarsia knitting.
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Slip-Stitch Tweed Top by Sarah E. White |
One of my favorite things is the pictorial techniques section at the end of this book. Here, Sarah includes instructions and photos of all the techniques covered in Colorwork Knitting. These photos are an excellent guide for any knitter. Often I look at the illustrations or photos that are supposed to help with a certain technique and I can't make heads or tails out of what they're trying to show me. Sarah's photos are clear and guide you step by step through each process. I wish I had these photos years ago when I started knitting :)
I can't wait to cast on for some of Sarah's color patterns. You can find Colorwork Knitting on To see the patterns included in Colorwork Knitting, visit Sarah E. White's Ravelry page. I hope you check it out!
* The opinions shared on this blog are my own and I received no compensation for posting them.
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